Our Conferences

Berlin, Germany - December 2024

This third conference took place on 14 December in Berlin, Germany. We had amazing attendees and speakers.
Thanks to our new Head of Content, Nailya, we have professional photos and a great Instagram story to remember the day by.

  • Wide range of talks

    From global to planetary health, career choices, mental health and pandemic preparedness.

  • Being inspired by each other

    We've had amazing participants from different countries, many with impressive initiatives of their own.

  • Networking opportunities

    With breaks together and a group chat on Slack, we could connect, form collaborations and stay in touch!

Bern, Switzerland - October 2024

Our second conference was wonderful. On the 6th of October, we gathered in a beautiful venue in Bern, Switzerland, with medical students and doctors from all over the country, as well as 4 inspiring speakers who shared their ideas on what topics inside and outside of medicine could be a great fit and especially impactful for doctors to work on.

  • Inspiring and insightful talks

    On suffering ethics, biosecurity, reducing microbial resistance, climate change, and so much more.

  • Making meaningful connections

    Many exciting discussions with like-minded medical students and doctors!

  • Learning from each other

    There's so much we can learn from one another, as well as opportunities for impactful collaborations.

London, UK - January 2024

Our first conference was a huge success! On 27 January, we held our first High Impact Medicine conference at the London Effective Altruism Hub. We brought together aspiring medical students and doctors from across the country, as well as 6 distinguished speakers. It was so interesting to hear about the different ways doctors can have impactful careers and to have conversations with like-minded people.

  • Inspirational Speakers

    On nonprofit entrepreneurship, biosecurity, health policy, global health and so much more.

  • Community and Networking

    Lots of exciting discussions with like-minded medical students and doctors!

  • Taking breaks together

    Having lunch and snacks in this comfy space in London.